Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Loop

Disclaimer: If you have not lost a parent yet and consider yourself light-hearted, read on at your own risk. The following content may be disturbing for a few.

I was a bit late to reach office in the morning. Blame it on the weird nightmare that disturbed my sleep the previous night in which my dad passed away and I went and buried him!
As soon as I reached office a bunch of grave faces greeted me. ‘Did someone die?’ I thought. One by one they came and passed their condolences. They all wanted to know how did it happen all of a sudden. Apparently, I told them two weeks back that my dad passed away and I am now back in office after burying him!
Reality struck me. It wasn’t a nightmare. It was a fact indeed. I lost my dad.
Shortly afterwards I settled down at my desk and started catching up on the mails. In a few moments I was pulled back into the time bubble and soon I was thinking of a conversation I need to have with dad. I could hear my mind reminding me to call him later today.
Later during the day, as I was planning to give a call to my dad, another of my colleague turns up with a long face and repeated the exercise that happened in the morning. The time bubble was burst again. I lost my dad once more.
Losing someone, especially one that is quite close to your heart isn’t easy.
I’m not sure how long will time continue this game with me.
Then again as they say, time is the best healer!
Till then we’ll play hide and seek dad, just like good ol’ times.
You have a fantastic time wherever you are…

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