Monday, July 13, 2020

Father’s Day

It had been twelve years since his son started at the new place. As a father, it was heart-breaking to let his son be taken away and allow him to grow up elsewhere than at his own home where he was provided everything. It was a strange situation, one he prayed that no father ever had to endure. These are the times even the mighty ones seem to be helpless.

One solace was there though. He had a palatial house at the capital city which was a centre of attraction for many. People from far and near used to flock to this place which he was kind enough to open for the public. He had promised his son’s new guardians to bring him once every year to him. They kept their word always.

As usual they came to the father’s place this year as well. They used to take some of their relatives also with them. After spending a considerable amount of time, the group returned to their native place. Father and son met near the main hall of the house. They had lots to catch-up from the previous year, starting with his recent twelfth birthday celebration. As they spoke, a few of the elders and prominent citizens of the city happened to walk past them. They heard the child speak to his dad and was quite impressed with his depth of knowledge.

They invited him for a debate which was the custom those days. The son loved it. He promptly said yes. Debates those days were serious affairs. People got engaged in conversations so deep that they seldom realized how time flew.

Three days went by and he was right in the middle of a very interesting argument, when he was interrupted by a startling cry of joy! It was his foster mother who found him after three days of frantic search, after they realized that their foster son was not with them when they returned to the native. She was a bit annoyed at him for staying back and even expressed her displeasure openly.

His father was watching this from the far end of the hall. Interestingly he didn’t make any move, though the eyes of father and son met. They knew it was time for him to leave.

Nevertheless, the son didn’t conceal his disappointment. He told the mother, “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”

Joseph, his foster father touched his shoulder and looked into his eyes. They had the same glow as his father’s. They returned home, together.  

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