Sunday, November 24, 2019


The train rolled on to the darker side of platform number 13 at Bangalore City Junction. The ominous number made Alex a bit uneasy, yet he got up from his seat even before the engine reached a full halt. Travelling by train along with Nisha and two of their little ones was his last preference. But this was a trip that was forced upon them since no other modes of transport were available at such a short notice. Luca who turned six last month and Leya his little sister who will soon celebrate her third birthday were still sleeping on the middle berth.

Alex started pulling out the luggage and told Nisha to take care of the kids while he unloaded the bags to the busy platform. He had to struggle a bit to get the luggage out and still keep a check on all the pieces from the prying eyes of possible luggage snatchers. Nisha somehow managed to wake up Luca and gave a helping hand to Alex to offload the last piece of luggage, it was the biggest of the lot. He placed all the pieces safely on the platform and helped Nisha get down by taking Luca in his hand. That’s when they realized, Leya is not with either of them!

“Daddy!” A spine chilling cry came from the compartment where they were! Alex felt his heart in his mouth as he dashed back into the compartment where Leya was left sleeping. In a flash of a second he reached the middle berth where a few minutes back the little one was seen cuddling her favourite teddy and covered in a baby pink blanket, for she loved to be wrapped even when it wasn’t cold.

The blanket and teddy were still there. Only them! Alex for a moment felt completely drained off his blood. But he gathered himself quickly and looked around. All of a sudden he got a glimpse of a man, face covered with a chequered woollen shawl carrying something on his shoulder trying to head to the other end of the cabin.

Alex saw what was on the man's shoulder. It moved and a tiny hand reached out to him. The very hand that he had held numerous times in the past and lifted all the way up to his shoulder. His precious little gem, daddy’s adorable little princess was struggling for dear life in the arms of a stranger, trying with all her might to reach out to her hero, her dad.

He sprinted at the stranger who was seen stepping down at the end of the compartment. Alex barely reached the exit when he heard the shrilling sound of a whistle and felt a jolt. The train took off with him trapped inside.

Alex looked through the window. The little hand was still seen at a distance stretched out with the hope of her dad coming and rescuing her. As the train chugged ahead, Alex stood there not able to move but merely stare at a warning sign board posted inside the compartment. It read, “The railways will not be responsible for any valuables left unattended".

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