Thursday, January 8, 2015

Miracles you miss!

Article for Bethlehem Matrimonial - Jan 2015
“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.” – Mark 11: 23. Guess I was in my early primary classes when I first heard this during a Holy Mass. Immediately after I got back home after the Mass that day; I went to my room and promptly closed all doors and windows. With utmost sincerity and faith, I sat at my desk, folded my hands in prayer and submitted my wish to God Almighty.
The wish was pretty simple. During those days when kids were not spoilt with choices and had to live with whatever that was available, getting a 5 Star chocolate bar was considered a big thing to dream about! From the bottom of my heart I truly wished and asked God to make my wish come true. I had absolutely no doubt that God is going to fulfil my wish in a matter of few seconds. With eyes tightly shut, fists held closely together in prayer and breath becoming laboured, the whole body got ready for a miracle which was bound to happen the very next moment.
I finished the prayers. Opened my eyes quite slowly and the reflection of the golden glow of a 5 Star Chocolate wrapper in my eyes, remained a dream! The table top was empty! For a while, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I even wondered if my brother sneaked in and took away my miracle gift. I checked the door latches again and realized that they were all intact. Reality started settling in. I figured out that my prayer was not answered. Needless to say I was totally shaken up. I started questioning myself. Is it that God didn’t hear my prayers or is my faith not strong enough?
Days, months and years passed by. There were many more such moments in my life when I badly wanted something and I prayed to God with all my faith to make that happen. It was a 5 Star chocolate then. The wishes later gave way to stickers, bags, shoes and as I grew up the wishes also grew with me. I wanted bikes, admission in a specific college, great friends, and an awesome job; see the world, a lovely partner in life, beautiful kids and what not.
God heard all my wishes, but He never seemed to have answered any of them right after I asked Him. Each time I felt disappointed, every time I repeated the same set of questions I asked earlier. Why isn’t God answering my prayers or do I need to be stronger in my faith?
Today when I stand on the third decade of my life I look back at the wishes I had. Miraculous enough, I see that most of my wishes I made till date have come true. It is a fact that many of them were not answered immediately, but I now realize that He knew when I was ready for each of those wishes and made that happen for me when it was time. Many a times what happens is, I fail to notice these miracles in my life. I still think that many of my wishes were not heard. The truth really is otherwise. I just didn’t recognize when those miracles were addressed. Perhaps because by the time the miracle dawned on my life I would’ve forgotten about what I asked for and it blindfolded me from seeing and believing that my wish was indeed fulfilled!
There could still be a bunch of things that I’ve wished for and have not been rewarded yet with a result. But I now strongly believe that these are the ones that are not yet ready to be given to me. Every miracle is like a new born baby. You can’t make a miracle take birth before its designated time. A baby needs to complete a certain amount of time before it is fully grown and delivered to Earth. Your wishes need to be grown enough in the womb of faith that when it is finally ready to be delivered, it’ll incarnate itself in your life as a miracle. The onus is on you to realize when it happens and thank Almighty for making your dreams come true!
May you be blessed with a wonderful insight to see the miracles coming true in your life! May the good God bless you with an amazing year ahead filled with His blessings, love and care!

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