Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Back in Time - A breath-taking journey through UK!

I love reading and I distinctly remember my school days when a wonderful world of fantasy unveiling in my mind through all the animated series of story books. They painted a vivid picture of castles, palaces, fairy lands, life lived to the fullest by the prince, princesses and the royals. All these and more truly came to life when we decided to explore London and Scotland through our absolutely stunning 16 days of travel through UK.

Lovely winding roads, lush green landscapes, giant but gentle mountains, waterfalls, winds that carry you in its arms, strawberry picking, historical artefacts ranging from dinosaur fossils through the mother of all diamonds Koh-i-Noor, castles, palaces and what not! We thank God for a wonderful vacation literally through a fairy land and a lovely time together as family.

Quick specs of our trip:

Date: 03 Aug to 18 Aug 2024

Arrival: 03 Aug 2024 at Stanstead Airport (LHR was absolutely not feasible to avail staff travel benefits)

Departure: 18 Aug 2024 from Newcastle Airport (Initial departure plan was Glasgow but later changed to Newcastle where staff travel could be availed. Was only an additional 3 hours from Glasgow by road)

Mode of Transport: 5 days in London - Travelled only on public transport in London. You do not really need any other mode of transport in the city since the London Underground (metro) and the suburban trains (Dockland Light Railway - DLR) are well connected and easily accessible across the city. Most of the major attractions are at walking distance to the train station. The weather was also lovely though Londoners consider this as their summer, for us when we go from Dubai, it is a beautiful weather indeed! You could either buy Oyster card which is a multi-modal transport card or simply use any of your bank cards which has as Wi-Fi logo on it which you could tap on the gunnebo gates or equivalent at the stations.

Glimpses of London

State rooms of Buckingham Palace takes you to a world of luxury you may have never experienced in your lifetime! If you love to explore everything in the state rooms, you could spend the whole day if you like. Else you could reasonably finish in 3 hours. Ten minutes from the palace is Westminster Cathedral, a 121 year old beautiful church.

A tour of Tower of London is an absolute must have! This is a castle built by William the Conqueror in AD 1078, served as the royal residence, a mint, a jail as well as a fortress where precious jewels are stored including the most famous diamond the world has ever known, Koh-i-Noor! Don't get surprised if you get a feeling on and off that you are living in 11th century. Just a word of caution, for people who are claustrophobic, you may find it a bit of a challenge. Nevertheless, it is an experience worth every moment. The greatest feeling for me personally was to see Koh-i-Noor at my hand's length! The Tower Bridge which many people call as London Bridge is at a stone's throw away from Tower of London. Natural History Museum was our next step where my kids, 12 years and 8 years befriended dinosaurs from the past and learned a few elements of animal kingdom up close and personal!

St Paul's Cathedral is the seat of Bishop of London. This is another massive and beautiful church built in 17th century. We took the famous London double decker bus to the church for the experience of it. London as you may know is infamous for its weather, hence carry a small umbrella in your bag, it will come handy if it rains. We then checked if the clock is working well by saying hi to the Big Ben and the adjacent Parliament square. Explored some more of the city and of course did some shopping at the famous Oxford Street.

From London to Scotland

After 5 days in London, we hired a car from Avis / Budget nearby where we stayed and drove to Cheltenham. Gloucester Cathedral, a 12th century architectural marvel, made even more famous by Harry Potter series, awaited us. Be aware of the risk of getting lost in the magnificence of the cathedral that if you are not cautious you will end up spending a whole day there! We managed to get out after a few hours and headed to a location where natural beauty is at its peak as the name itself says. It was Peak District National Park. After a while we headed to York, but not before stopping at a friend's place at Sheffield.

The National Railway Museum in York is the place to be if you really want to feel immersed in the olden days where steam run locomotives and other types of trains operated. Even the tallest among us will feel dwarfed in front of these massive engineering marvels.

Further up North, after crossing the coastal region of Amble we stopped at Warkworth Castle, bringing life to some of the fantasy stories I mentioned in the beginning of the story. You get a glimpse of life lived by royals during the yester years. Alnwick Castle, one of the best-preserved castles was destined to be our next stop. The life and times of Percy family unfolds here, probably one of the most powerful families after the King of UK. A pleasant surprise to see a Buckingham-like state rooms here as well.

On the road again to reach Dunfermline, which once was the capital of Kingdom of Scotland and less than an hour from Edinburgh where J K Rowling wrote most of Harry Potter. Some more shopping around in the city before heading to Cairnie fruit farm at Cupar, a 40 minutes’ drive from Dunfermline. I cannot literally explain the happiness of those strawberries when they saw us that they literally jumped into our basket! Strawberry picking is such fun! Further up, after a quick stop at a wheat farm, enjoying the cool breeze near the Tay Bridge in Dundee and browsing through unique wines at Cairn o' Mohr a local winery and passing by Lochaber waterpower project commissioned in 1929 we finally arrived at Spean Bridge, our place of stay for the next four days.

From that day onwards, we got ourselves locked in a fairy tale. This is the only way to define our days in Scotland! Everywhere you go, nature will pamper you with the most beautiful of sights that you will literally be mesmerised! The cold clear water along with countless pebbles at Loch Lochy, third-deepest lake of Scotland next to Loch Ness famous for the monster story, a small yet lovely looking waterfall at Inverness, an absolutely out-of-the world location experience gifted by Eilean Donan Castle, the simple yet sweet port town of Mallaig, watching the Harry Potter fame Jacobite Steam train in action and exploring the incredible terrains at Isle of Skye, every one of these experiences left us with lasting memories for a lifetime!

We thank all our well-wishers who prayed, helped and supported through this journey of a lifetime!

Fun Fact: This is the approximate distance from Thiruvananthapuram in South India to Taj Mahal in North India by road!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The ice cream run – Management lessons from Dad

18 years ago, I successfully completed my post-graduation in Business Management from one of the prestigious institutions in Bangalore, Christ College. Though my specialization was in Marketing, during the course of two years, I learned various aspects of business including supply chain, time management, advertising and many more.

Little did I realize that there was a time, way back in early 90s while in grade six, I was privy to a bunch of fantastic management lessons in real life. This was when my dad started an ice cream parlour named Adens in our small town of Changanacherry in Kerala. The ice cream was of a brand named Lazza and the company that made it was in Ernakulam, a city roughly hundred kilometres from our hometown. My first lesson in entrepreneurship.

Since dad took distribution of Lazza ice cream in and around Changanacherry, he obviously had to arrange for transportation of ice cream from Lazza factory in Ernakulam to our shop. Considering the distance between the locations, he had to plan the purchase that needed to last him for the next few weeks after which there will be a repeat of this. We called it the ice cream run. The entire process had to be meticulously planned since dad was a banker during his day job and he had to plan the trips on weekends. My first lesson in planning and supply chain management.

The number of items that were required for every ice cream run was sizable enough to be carried in ten large containers. Dad knew a person who owned a van which was big enough to carry those boxes. Arrangements were made to use this van so that multiple runs could be avoided, and the trip was optimized. My first lesson in logistics.

We will start early morning and will reach the factory in Ernakulam. Dad will have a list with the categories and numbers required of ice creams needed that day. He will then sit with the factory manager and while I enjoy an ice cream there, I could hear them talk about sales and strategies towards customer satisfaction, none of which made sense to me then. On hindsight, those were the pearls of wisdom from the lovely ocean of business world. Many times, dad was also able to strike some good deals before he confirmed the order. My first lesson in negotiation.

Once the order was finalized, the boxes were offloaded from the van for the factory staff to fill them with packets of ice creams. As this activity took a while, dad always made use of the time for a quick trip to the city and buy some other items required for Adens including ice cream cones, glasses, tissues etc. which were not something you could buy from the factory. I always looked forward for this quick trip since after the shopping it will be invariably time for lunch, and it was a great opportunity for me to explore the restaurants around Ernakulam. My first lesson in time management.

By the time we returned to the factory, the boxes of ice creams were safely packed and kept ready for the trip back home. Those were the days before temperature-controlled vehicles. Hence special type of insulated boxes was used to keep the ice cream from melting and for further protection large frozen containers of ice were used which ensured that everything was ok during the transport. My first lesson in quality.

The party then headed back to the hometown and just in time to beat the evening traffic so that we reach Adens right on time to store the ice cream safe and sound in the freezers awaiting customers. Sometimes dad also got some posters with colourful pictures of ice creams which promptly went on the walls of Adens which added to the whole appeal of the shop. It was such a heartening sight to see the kids screaming and crying with joy when they saw these images and specifically asked for them and most parents obliged. My first lesson in marketing and sales.

Though dad is not around physically, these moments remain deeply embedded in my mind which continues to be my guiding light in my professional life where I need to apply the principles of management. Something which no management books in the world ever taught me…

Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Chilling Farewell

It was past midnight and Dubai was at the fag end of the scorching summer on the 27th day of October 2014. My son had not turned three and was a bit restless that night which kept both Ruby, my wife and me awake. It was a period in between our little one’s disturbed sleep due to some uneasiness that was troubling him. Since I could not sleep, I tried to make effective use of the time by putting my thoughts into a story and started with that on my laptop.

I was halfway into the story and our clock tried telling me it is quite an unearthly hour with the small needle touching the number one. Nevertheless, I continued with my attempt to write. A few minutes later, Ruby came by asking if I am not sleeping since the light was on in the hall where I was seated.

I told her, I shall join soon, but for some strange reason I was getting a bit too cold unusually. I requested my sweetheart to check the thermostat of AC, which was working all well. She said everything is fine and asked if I am feeling feverish which may explain the chills I was starting to experience. She even took out the thermometer which confirmed that my body temperature was normal, but I continued to feel cold.

It was just a matter of time that the chillness gave way to shivering and I had to get a jacket to make myself feel comfortable. I tried to switch off the air conditioning, but it was a futile attempt. It was beyond any logical explanation. I tired to continue writing, but with the quivering I had no option but to shut down the laptop. All what I wanted to do was get under the thick blanket and snuggle up to my darling wife so that I feel better.

As soon as I hit the bed and felt the shivering subside, the phone rang. It was dad. Getting a call from back home in Kerala at 1:30 AM is never a good thing. The news he had to share was indeed not a happy one. My dearest grandpa, one with whom I spent my entire childhood and one who I consider close to my heart is no more. He passed away a few moments ago peacefully in his sleep. Time stood still.

The world did not wait for me. Calendars were replaced a few more times.

It was closer to midnight again in Dubai, but this time in the middle of the winter on the 15th day of February 2023. A couple of hours earlier my dad was taken on an ambulance from a hospital in Changanacherry, my hometown, to a bigger hospital in Kochi where he had earlier undergone treatment. My mom, along with my sister-in-law and my cousin brother had accompanied him. They reached the hospital, and he was immediately taken to the emergency room for treatment.

My cousin kept me posted with updates. With every message that was coming through, the tension in the air at home in Dubai was rising. Dad was truly the one bond that kept the entire family together and the happiness we shared throughout our lives was something beyond my ability to put down in the form of words. As Ruby and I was figuring out the flight to Kochi, the next message arrived. It was quite an ominous one which said dad suffered a massive cardiac arrest, but the doctors did revive him. It was followed by two more attacks and my cousin messaged saying the doctors were planning to shift him to the ventilator.

The nights of February in Dubai are when the temperature is quite pleasant outside, and we do not really need air conditioning throughout. The AC was off, but I could sense the tingling sensation coming back. Something that was familiar to me about nine years ago. I asked my sweetheart for a sweater. The chills were back, and she had to hug me since I started shaking. She covered me with a shawl and later with a jacket as well. But this time I could feel the trembling staying a little longer than last time. The next day I managed to reach Kochi and bid a final farewell to dad standing next to his bedside. He was beyond any state of recognising me, but I knew exactly when he came to me and gave me a hug. Just the way my grandpa embraced me before he started his journey back to where we all came from.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Do-Nothing Time

In the past couple of weeks, I remember having conversations with a few of my friends and colleagues about kids of the current generation. The topic was around how kids are restless these days and we all shared a common concern that idle time is something our kids do not even have in their dictionary. The conversation went on and on as how learned adults speak with the pseudo righteousness which is attributed to most of the parents across the world with young kids.

Little did I realize then, the accusation is not really limited to children. The question I started asking myself was, how often do we have a time during the day when we remain idle? Isn’t there something or other we keep ourselves busy and not really have a do-nothing time for ourselves?  

The biggest irony will be, most often than not, the activities we engage ourselves could be less creative than what our kids involve themselves during their busy time. Among other things, our children may delve into art or craft, while we wile away our time among the never-ending trolls and memes across the various social media platforms.

I truly believe, the concept of a do-nothing time is in fact quite powerful. As you may be aware, when your entire body rests during the night, the brain continues to send signals to the internal organs which still need to function. A similar state will come in play when you give a break to your busy schedules and allow yourself a bit of do-nothing time. This gives a chance for your brain to take a deep breath and indulge into something that directly instigates the creative side as your logical thinking takes a back seat.

The truly magical moment will come and present itself to us if we could practice this more often. It is a busy world, and we all acknowledge that. But let us not forget the fact that the creative genius in all of us, in various forms and shapes, need to be given an opportunity to be awakened. Trust me, you’ll be surprised to see the amount of creativity buried deep down in you getting awakened and the doors indeed open for the true colours of your ingenious freedom.

Give it a chance. Have a bit of a do-nothing time. Celebrate your other self!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Red Berries in the Snow

It was an extremely cold December morning in the year 2010 when I landed in one of the busiest airports in the world, London Heathrow International. The assignment was a requirement gathering session that was expected to last for a month for the client Travelodge. Far from the hustle and bustle of London, the taxi from the airport took me to a lovely small town called Thame where I was to spend the next one month before heading back home.

Travelodge, being in the hospitality industry, was where I stayed as well. Their head office was right across the road and was a mere ten minutes’ walk from the hotel. The location itself was a cosy combination of the hotel and a gas station complimented by a Burger King next door.

It became my routine for the next few days to leave the hotel, walk past the gas station and cross over to the other side of the road passing a roundabout and then reach the office, the approach road of which was lined with a row of trees. Being exposed to my coldest winter ever, most often than not I was walking with a warm jacket tucked close to my chest and my teeth chattering in the bone chilling cold. This was even after wearing a layer of thermals under the heavy jacket. It was COLD indeed, bold, and underlined.

A few days went by in this manner. One morning, as I got up and parted the curtain in my room, I saw the whole area outside turned white. It was snowing! My first ever snow in life. I was ecstatic to say the least. The walks to office continued. The snow could not deter my spirit of professional call of duty. Deep inside me I did not want to miss a single moment of this first in my lifetime experience of being in the snow.

The path to office didn’t change either, only difference being the white snow covering the entire stretch. The route next to the gas station, the footpath across the roundabout and the final stretch to the office, everything was covered in a white blanket that seemed to welcome me with open arms. It felt as though nature was welcoming me, but instead of a red carpet a white one was being rolled out.

There was one big difference though. As I was walking past the row of trees, I noticed a bunch of red berries on them clothed in snow. It was one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen in my life. I asked someone in my office what those berries were. They said it was an edible variety and quite a tasty one that too, but once it snows you can’t have them since the texture changes, and it no longer became edible. As strange as it felt, I wonder why I never noticed them before, as they were apparently always there but it completely missed my sight. Unfortunately, till the end of my assignment in Thame, it continued to snow, and the taste of those berries remain elusive for me.

That is when it dawned on me. These berries are like the blessings in our life which are right in front of our eyes, but we fail to see them. They come in all forms and shapes. It could be a friend who is always there for you, but you never acknowledged them, or a facility offered by your company which you took for granted.

There are tonnes of these blessings hanging around us which we just zip past through since they are not clothed in anything at present. But a day will arrive when these blessings get impacted one way or other. Your friends may migrate to a different city, and you truly miss them since there is no one like them around. You may shift jobs and then realize how people friendly were the policies of your previous organization, but you were complaining then. All these are akin to the berries clothed with the snow which you can’t enjoy anymore. You look back and regret your past with a sigh.

Wake up, it isn’t late still! Hope and faith are two magical beings which still drive the world forward. As long as you are around in this beautiful world, take a moment to stop, look around and appreciate the berries alias blessings around you. Be grateful to people and situations that bring you these blessings. Do not wait till the snow clothes them for you to have a late realization.

Let there be snow, but you still reminisce the delightful taste of red berries. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Maturity, it isn't just age...

Picture this. You are in a meeting with your own colleagues and two of the team members from the vendor team to discuss a critical showstopper for a go live. The topic was discussed multiple times in the recent past with no solution sighted in the horizon.

The situation rapidly escalates with discussions spiralling. Temperature levels in the meeting room rises with sparks of arguments flying high. After a lot of deliberations, an agreement on the way forward is reached.

A day later, when you catch up internally, you have a major realisation. While one of the two team members from the vendor side, who was equally senior, was boiling and reacting, the other was handling the situation in a calm and composed manner, topped with a subtle smile. Though his conversations were cut through many times, he remained patient. He even changed his strategy mid-way through to buy time by promising to stop talking exactly after ten seconds. De-escalation was definitely his cup of tea.

Colleagues like these serve as a constant reminder that professional maturity is not just about the age. It is a skill that we need to gain and grow over a period of time in our career.

Some get it, others remain a pain, you know where...


The Final Trap – Death Defying Dad – Part 3 of 3


Most of the children born in the early 80’s in India, who had access to a TV at home, will recollect having just one channel in TV those days. It was a national broadcast by the government and was called Doordarshan. Obviously, the number of programs were all defined well in advance with very few live programmes unlike today, where majority of channels do live streaming.

Among the limited set of programs on TV, there was one animated series called He-Man & The Masters of the Universe. It was quite natural that He-Man became my favourite superhero for all the amazing things he did to save the world.

But even before I knew He-Man, there was another man who was already my superhero, my dad. He did the most amazing things which a child would only imagine superheroes will do for them. Be it taking you to various places in and around during vacations or buying the tiny pottery set from the local market so that we kids could play ‘family’ along with our cousins in a makeshift house creatively carved out of the cardboard box of a recently purchased refrigerator. The list was endless. 

While dad did this and many other things for me and our family, he lived through his life with one motto. Live life to the fullest. He always used to say that you are given just one chance to live and make the best out of it. He also had a deep-rooted belief that eventually when death catches up with him, it will be an instant one. And so, he lived his eventful life, till one fine day in 2021, during Covid times as the world was reeling in the greatest pandemic ever known to the history of mankind.

A bit of a blood stain in his faecal matter was where it all started. A quick test at a local hospital led to the doctors finding out something was wrong. More advanced tests followed and by the time the New Year celebrations concluded for 2021, the diagnosis confirmed that his colon had embraced one of the most dreaded diseases in the world, cancer!

I still remember the first conversation with him over the phone as soon as the news was known. His response was typical of his personality. As with most things, he simplified it as though it was a bit of a dirt on his body which needed to be washed off. That was dad.

A couple of surgeries and a few rounds of chemo followed and a year later he was declared free of the ‘dirt’. Needless to say, we all were quite happy and relieved to see even cancer bent down before his will.

Dad did get to replace the calendar at home one more time before he handed over that responsibility to rest of us.

His legacy lives on…

Part 1 - The Limestone Trap: https://trexperiences.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-limestone-trap-death-defying-dad.html

Part 2 - The Road Trap: https://trexperiences.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-road-trap-death-defying-dad-part-2.html

Back in Time - A breath-taking journey through UK!

I love reading and I distinctly remember my school days when a wonderful world of fantasy unveiling in my mind through all the animated seri...